The God is Creative units will help your students to:
investigate the diversity of living things and discover how scientists identify them (Science Teacher Manual and reproducible sheets)
appreciate God's creativity in the world, and the way that God has made each of us to be creative. It will help us to discover our identity. Focus on and practice creating, imagining and innovating as they develop habits of mind
learn about, and value, the creativity and identity of our indigenous people (Social Science Teacher Manual and reproducible sheets)
identify the factors that identify them as individuals within a group (Health Teacher Manual)
communicate in a range of genre (Language Teacher Manual)
Additional resources available to support this study will help students to:
appreciate the art of our indigenous people (Celebrate Art resources entitled Enlightened by Kowhaiwhai and Touching the Sky or Identity and Belonging in Contemporary Art or Of Tapa and Tatau which profiles Fatu Feu’u, or selected other Celebrate Art resources by indigenous people from Australia, NZ or the Pacific – click here for a list of the nationalities of artists profiled by Celebrate Art)
discover how artists have visually communicated their ideas about mammals and ways we can create artworks ourselves (Celebrate Art resource entitled Animals in Contemporary Art)