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How can wisdom be gained and expressed through narratives?

Discover effective ways of identifying and expressing themes of wisdom through narratives. For all ages and abilities. Language • Narratives • Years 1–8 • TM

NZ $0.00

How can we respond wisely?

Discover how reviews and responses to movies, shows, stories, books and TV are constructed. For all ages and abilities. Language • Reviews and responses • Years 1–8 • TM

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How can we be wise in using reports?

Discover the elements of effective reports and how Jesus used elements of these within a narrative structure. For all ages and abilities. Language • Reports • Years 1–8 • TM

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How can myths and legends help us understand cultures?

Enjoy the stories of myths and legends, identifying their structure and their significance to different cultures. For all ages and abilities. Language • Myths and legends • Years 1–8 • TM

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How can I persuade you?

Reach out in our communications to others by developing persuasive skills for awareness campaigns and discussions. For all ages and abilities. Language • Persuasive campaigns and discussions • Years 1–8 • TM

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How can I communicate visually?

How can I communicate visually?

Reach out in our communication to others by developing understand of ways to deliver procedural texts in storyboards and demonstrations. Years 1-8

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What’s the use of summaries and diagrams?

Grow in your ability to communicate your scientific and social scientific understandings visually. For all ages and abilities. Language • Summaries and diagrams • Years 1–8 • TM

NZ $0.00

How can we create pictures with words?

Grow in your ability to communicate your observations through poetry. For all ages and abilities. Language • Poetry • Years 1–8 • TM

NZ $0.00

How can I explain that phenomenon?

Grow in your ability to communicate our scientific and social scientific understandings through explanations. For all ages and abilities. Language • Explanations • Years 1–8 • TM

NZ $0.00

What makes a great picture book or comic?

Enjoy and identify the components of effective picture books and comics. For all ages and abilities. Language • Picture books and comics • Years 1–8 • TM

NZ $0.00

Why are life stories so interesting?

Rise to the challenge through reading and communicating autobiographical and biographical texts. For all ages and abilities. Language • Biographies • Years 1–8 • TM and DS

NZ $0.00

How can I explain the changes I see?

Become effective in understanding and writing explanations about science and social science topics. For all ages and abilities. Language • Explanations • Years 1–8 • TM

NZ $0.00

How can I write about changes in my life?

The recorded events and feelings in diaries and journals help us notice changes over time. Learn to appreciate and write personal recounts. For all ages and abilities. Language • Diaries and journals • Years 1–8 • TM

NZ $0.00

How do newspapers report current events and issues?

Become familiar with the components of newspapers and explore the ways in which they keep us informed. For all ages and abilities. Language • Newspaper reports • Years 1–8 • TM and DS

NZ $0.00

How do television & radio report current events and issues?

Identify tools and techniques used when filming for TV news. For all ages and abilities. Language • TV and radio reports • Years 1–8 • TM and DS

NZ $0.00

What makes a fantastic fantasy story?

Investigate ways in which fantasy stories are developed, and use your imagination and creativity to make your own. For all ages and abilities. Language • Narratives • Years 1–8 • TM

NZ $0.00
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