Planning Tools

Interact provides indepth planning tools which are easy to use and which save time so that teachers can focus their energy on the students rather than the paperwork.

Some of the tools available for teachers in each Teacher Manual are - A Big Idea, A Value Focus, A Skill Focus, A Key Understanding, A Focus Question, A PrePlanner guide with resource people and class trips suggested, A Biblical World View and Scriptures Relevant to this unit.

'Key Areas of Investigation' provide teachers and students with the main concepts to be learnt about the topic. For example "metals have different properties and are therefore used for different purposes".

Teachers will find these concepts are repeated throughout the planning section of the manual such as in the Firing Up section, where they are restated as questions for students to research. For example 'What are the properties of metals and how are their uses decided by their properties?'.

Later in the Finding Out Further stage, students research these ideas further. For example "Choose a metal and write at least three questions that will help you find out what properties the metal has, how the metal is changed to make it useful, and how the metal is turned into a useful product for a specific purpose"

"Key Learning Intentions" identify skills that can be focused on. They have been grouped in the order of the Interact Learning Path and are also found later in the Teacher Manual as Indicators of Achievement. It is suggested that the teacher select some skills to focus on with his or her particular students during this particular unit of work.

The planning tools have been developed in consultation with teachers and enhance the ability to integrate lessons with a biblical focus while aligning easily with the national curriculum requirements of several countries.